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We present UCPH’s newly released prize challenges
At the University of Copenhagen’s annual commemoration party, the rector awards the best responses to the university’s prize challenges with either gold or silver medals. Meanwhile, the faculty releases the prize challenges which will be answered in the coming year.
Traditionally, the submissions to the prize challenges have been the first step in an academic carrier path. However after the introduction of ph.d educations in the 1980s, the prize challenges have partly lost this significance and the number of submissions has fallen since the 1990s.
Nevertheless it is a cool tradition that the students choose to dedicate a year to in order to solve a current scientific riddle, so we are drawing attention to the fact that the latest prize challenges have just been published.
At the Uniavisen newsroom we have scoured the catalogue, where many questions call for answers to problems such as “Populism – provide an analysis of two or more populist movements in Europe after 1989 (EnGeRom) and The anthropology in one or more early Christian hymns (Church History) or Is systemic thinking an enrichment of public health within dentistry? (Health).
See the themes for all six faculties here
At the annual commemoration party this November, six gold medals and five silver medals were awarded for the 2015-papers. Put your hands up for:
Gold medals
Andreas Mæchel Fritzen: The role of AMP-activated protein kinase in regulation of muscle metabolism
Rasmus Jaksland: The naturalised metaphysical opportunity: a critical statement for the formulation of a naturalised metaphysics.
Kristoffer Garne Jensen: Romance and Christianity
Eva Tandrup Kock: Voices of Doom. Towards a new apocalypse.
Lisbeth Liliendal Valbjørn Møller: The importance of Rac1 in the regulation of glucose intake in skeletal muscle.
Thomas Winther: Enrichment principle
Silver medals
Marie-Elisabeth Lei Holm: The textual people – a study of Primo Levi’s If this is a man and Marjane Satrapis’ Persepolis according to Juri Lotman’s theory on reading and writing practice.
Thomas Stax Jakobsen: The Genetic Basis of Schizophrenia
Holti Kellezi: The role of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in regulation of muscle metabolism
Pawel Nowak: The verb’s infinite forms: the Balto-slavic participles
Anna Maja Vangsted Wallin: Cloud Computing and personal data
According to UCPH’s rules on the prize challenge, responses can be submitted by candidates within the first two years of graduating from a Masters.
The entries for the 2017-competition must be submitted to the Decan or secretariat at the relevant faculty by Monday January 15 2018 at 12pm at the latest. The best entries are awarded gold or silver medals at the annual commemoration party Friday November 16 2018.
You had best roll your sleeves up if you want to hit the next deadline – January 16 2017, of which the best submissions will receive an award at the 2017 annual commemoration party. A response is roughly expected to correspond to twelve months of work.