University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Top scholars coming to IT, media conference

People used to think of computers as giant calculators. But time has proved that the biggest impact they have on our lives is as a place for interaction, says organiser, before big names arrive on Thursday

Some of the world’s top communications, linguistics and computer science scholars will congregate for a public seminar at the Humanities Faculty, KUA this Thursday

Organised by the university’s Communication and Computing Centre (CCC), the event – titled ‘Digital futures – developing technologies of language and communication’ – will include lectures and debates from various critical disciplines, all discussing the potential for digital cultures and online relations across the world.

Highlights include a lecture on artist-audience interaction on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter from principal researcher at Microsoft Research lab, Nancy Baym. Chalmers University of Technology’s Jan Bosch will discuss innovations in Internet architecture.

An online space for all

Seminar organiser and head of the CCC, Jørgen P. Bansler encourages people from various academic disciplines to attend the free event, stressing that the technology and ideas discussed are important as we continue to head into a more virtual, online world. He explains:

»Originally, people thought of computers as giant calculators or robotic, technology brains, but time has proved that the biggest impact they have on our lives is as a media and place for interaction. e-Science, news, private lives, communication with friends and family, the way hospitals function, computers pervade all aspects of life and we welcome people from all disciplines to come and get involved in this truly universal issue.«

In an increasingly technologically advanced world, the seminar not only hopes to bring forward new ideas of online interaction theory, but welcomes the ideas of students and users of online services in a closing panel discussion and question section. Registration is not necessary, but be sure to get there early to get a seat.

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