University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


UN secretary-general at University of Copenhagen Saturday

U.N. secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, recently dubbed »the world’s most dangerous Korean«, is to be a guest at the University of Copenhagen and address climate change

University of Copenhagen (U of C) students and employees will on Saturday 3 October have a chance to hear Ban Ki-moon’s lecture ‘The Road to Copenhagen: Meeting the Climate Challenge’ as well as the debate that follows.

He was recently accused of being »the world’s most dangerous Korean« by the magazine Foreign Policy, who described him as a politically anonymous figure with absolutely no political punch in a time of financial crisis, climate change, and international terrorism.

Nevertheless, Ban Ki-moon is the UN Secretary-General, and as it is largely up to the UN secretariat to set the example this December, it is undeniably interesting to hear what he has to say.

Linked fates

At the United Nations Climate Change Summit Plenary in New York, Ban Ki-moon said, »if we have learned anything from the crises of the past year, it is that our fates are intertwined.«

He went on to warn that, »failure to reach broad agreement in Copenhagen would be morally inexcusable, economically short-sighted and politically unwise.«

Ban Ki-moon’s lecture is a part of U of C’s Climate Lectures. More information here.
