University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


University looking for a new Rector

University of Copenhagen's governing board has started the search for a new Rector, to start November 2013

After serving 2 terms, a total of 8 years as Rector, Ralf Hemmingsen’s contract expires on 1 November, 2013. And the University’s board of directors is already getting ready to hire a new person for the position.

Unless, that is, Rector Ralf Hemmingsen decides to re-apply for his own job, as he so far has not made a statement denying this..

Starting Sunday, three major Danish newspapers and the largest Swedish and Norwegian newspapers will carry a vacancy listing for the post of Rector at the University of Copenhagen. The University’s job bank will carry the advertisement from Monday.

Needs ‘strong communication skills’

In line with the University Act, the board selects a six-member nominating committee to select the Rector. Three out of these six will be internal (University of Copenhagen) members and the remaining 3 external members.

The deadline for submitting the applications is on the 18 January. The nomination committee will then select one or two candidates and invite them for an interview. The process is expected to be complete by early spring.

Some of the must-have qualities for this position are research merits, professor level experience, managerial skills and strong communication skills, the job ad says.

See the job advertisement on a a job site (in Danish) here.

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