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Prize — Danish cartoonists' group selects the University Post’s Christoffer Zieler as the year’s cartoonist. The prize will be awarded in May in the Tivoli Gardens.
At this year’s general assembly in the Danish cartoonists’ association Danske Bladtegnere it was announced that this association – part of the Danish Journalists’ Federation DJ – will award Christoffer Zieler of the University Post with the prize for Cartoonist of the Year 2018.
He gets the prize for his cartoons for the University Post and the Danish newspaper Information (where, once a week, he contributes a full-page illustration to the Moderne Tider supplement).
At the University Post we have often shamelessly exploited the fact that one of our journalists is a pretty good illustrator. He has fairly consistently drawn the Maltes Spalte or ‘Malte’s column’
Below you can see a selection of Christoffer Zieler’s illustrations for the University Post. Congratulations to him!