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Why UCPH? Why Copenhagen? We met up with eight students and asked why they chose to be right here right now.
Is it the ranking? Is it the city? Is it the academic programme?
We asked eight people from around the world to explain in one sentence why they chose to study precisely at the University of Copenhagen.
Name: Simone Wong
Age: 21
Origin: Hongkong, China
Residence: Frederiksberg
Study programme: Cognition and Communication
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities – Department of Media, Cognition and Communication
»I came to study precisely at UCPH, because I wanted an education that is stimulating and unique which only UCPH can offer me.«
Simone Wong studies cognition and communication. Photo: Lena Berges
Name: Sune Andersen
Age: 24
Origin: Aalborg, Denmark
Residence: Østerbro
Study programme: Geography
Faculty: Faculty of Science – Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
»I came to study precisely at UCPH, because I wanted to have an excellent education which I do not have to pay for.«
Sune Andersen studies Geography. Photo: Lena Berges
Name: Dominika Michalska
Age: 23
Origin: Warsaw, Poland
Residence: Lyngby
Study programme: Advanced Migration
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities – The Saxo Institute.
»I came to study precisely at UCPH, because only here I found a really interesting and international full-degree programme for migration studies.«
Dominika Michalska studies migration studies. Photo: Lena Berges
Name: Federico Costantini
Age: 24
Origin: Rome, Italy
Residence: Frederiksberg
Study programme: Global Development
Faculty: Faculty of Science – Department of Science Education
»I came to study precisely at UCPH thanks to a really positive and honest recommendation from a friend that made me aware of UCPH and my current study programme.«
Federico Costantini studies global development. Photo: Lena Berges
Name: Jana Trepte
Age: 27
Origin: Kiel, Germany
Residence: Amager
Study: Ethnology & Prehistoric Archaeology
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities – The Saxo Institute
»I came to study precisely at UCPH because I fell in love with the city, the Copenhageners and their mentalities and also because UCPH is one of the best universities in Europe.«
Jana Trepte studies ethnology and prehistoric archaeology. Photo: Lena Berges
Name: Haruki Ara
Age: 22
Origin: Kōriyama, Japan
Residence: Amager
Study programme: Danish Culture
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
»I came to study precisely at UCPH because I wanted to broaden my academical and personal horizon while diving into Danish culture.«
Haruki Ara studies Danish culture. Photo: Lena Berges
Name: Christina Fenger
Age: 24
Origin: Søborg, Denmark
Residence: Frederiksberg
Study programme: Animal Science
Faculty: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Department of Veterinary Clinical and Animal Sciences
»I came to study precisely at UCPH, because only here I receive the needed education to reach my future goal of making a huge scientific difference.«
Christina Fenger studies animal science. Photo: Lena Berges
Name: Clara Tischer
Age: 25
Origin: Bremen, Germany
Residence: Nørrebro
Study programme: Applied Cultural Analysis
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities – The Saxo Institute
»I came to study precisely at UCPH, because I wanted to apply academic theories in a real-life context which I am now doing thanks to the MACA Programme.«
Clara Tischer studies applied cultural analysis. Photo: Lena Berges