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Watergate — It sparked quite some amusement at the law faculty in June when rain poured in through one of the skylights at Søndre Campus. Then, when rector Henrik Wegener visited on 19 September, things went downhill again.
When the University Post reported in June that it had rained on law students in the brand-new buildings on South Campus, it unleashed a torrent of Facebook jokes.
Witty students quickly dubbed it the law faculty’s own Watergate scandal in their Facebook group.
The electronic system which controlled the skylights was incorrectly programmed by the contractor, so that the skylights opened when it rained and closed when the sun was shining. An explanation, which prompted yet more laughs.
According to Søren Höffner, head of building operations, the problem was resolved. However, when the rector visited South Campus with the student council, water penetrated the interiors again – albeit this time in smaller volumes.
Law student Bolette Birk Rich and theology student Lucas Antonio Madsen were standing in the law faculty’s knowledge centre – a large, beautiful atrium – and talking about their programs when a rather surprised Wegener exclaimed “Hey. It’s dripping!”
Höffner explains that a leaky cover around one of the skylights was the culprit this time.
This has now been dealt with, but “Murphy’s Law” is his take on the fact that it began to rain just as the rector was standing in the vicinity of the skylight with the unsealed cover.
Höffner adds that a one-year review of the 48, 000 square metre-campus building has been scheduled for November.
Building management, which is the developer of the project, KU, which is the consumer, and the contractors will go through the errors and omissions.
Remaining issues include mechanical problems with the doors, ceiling panels which fall down, and technical systems which no longer work, says Höffner.
“They must find out which firms have the responsibility of improving this. It could be that both the system and the cable system are responsible, so it could become a battle to reach agreement,” he says.