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Here is your light in the accommodation cyber jungle in Copenhagen. An overview of websites where you can look for a room or apartment
Each year, the city sees many new sites catering for the housing-hungry citizens of Copenhagen. Here is a selection of the biggest and best sites for rooms and apartments in Copenhagen.
Our more comprehensiv ‘Guide to student housing in Copenhagen’ is here. If you are looking for a place in a student dormitory, then take a look at these ‘Student housing reviews: The dormitories and residences of Copenhagen’.
Den Blå Avis translates to “The Blue Paper” used to be THE place to go if you were searching for anything used to buy. Today it is online and also the biggest free website for buying, selling, trading, swapping and what not.
You can find rentals, apartments for sales, collectives looking for roommates, rooms for rent in their housing section, and if all fails, this is also the place to buy an old trailer or a family sized tent.
Robinhus you can besically use for free. It is actually a site for people trying to sell their apartments and houses. Some may be willing to sublet. A good idea is to ask profiles who have been on for ages. They are probably not selling all too well.
Ledige Lejligheder is free and scores high on transparency. And admission is free.
Find A Roommate caters specifically for people looking for a roommate.
Boligbasen has a pretty good selection but an obscene marketing model: You can only sign up for six months at the cost of DKK 599.
Boligportal is probably the site with the biggest selection in the entire country. The first four days cost DKK 29, 4 weeks DKK 295 and 8 weeks DKK 375.
Lejebolig has a good selection. You can sign up for a week for DKK 19, after that you sign up for 8 weeks at DKK 369.
Husvild has a decent selection. One month costs DKK 299.
Housing In Denmark is an expensive option. It mostly caters for oil sheik children or embassy staff. But hey, if got the means.. Or are desperate enough to pay the price.
City Apartment is also an expensive option. There’s a pretty good variety in their selection though and it’s worth checking out as a last resort.
So that’s it! Good luck. Remember to also see our ‘Nine Creative Ways to Find A Place To Live in Copenhagen’ guide here, if you want to bypass these offers. It may be worth your while!