University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Share your Christmas and get home for free

Danish chocolatier Anthon Berg links up with Arriva to get international students on the train to a Danish Christmas

Christmas in Denmark is a season of contrast – among the coldest in clime, but warmest in cheer among its citizens. The countdown is upon us to attend the multitude of Christmas luncheons, shopping frenzy, discount sales, warm glögg and seasonal beer and cookies. It is just fabulous to see radiant smiles under grey skies isn’t it?

But there may be more for international students to look forward to. Certainly those who plan on spending their Christmas and New Year in Copenhagen. Danish chocolatier Anthon Berg and transport authority Arriva have piloted a ‘pink’ Christmas train for the last two years – offering free seats to travel between Copenhagen and Aalborg during the busiest traffic period of the year.

A survey of 200 international students conducted with Studenterhuset in Copenhagen reveals that more than half are planning to spend Christmas in Denmark – but less than 30 per cent of those who stay have a chance to experience Christmas the Danish way. So Anthon Berg & Arriva want to help introduce the Danish julehygge or Christmas coziness concept to these students who are likely to be alone during Christmas.

Feel the world needs more togetherness?

Normally, you pay for the train ride by performing acts of generosity on the train towards fellow passengers or towards locals on the platform.

But this time, it’s also a clarion call for all Danes to perform an ultimate act of giving – invite along a fellow international student to your home for Christmas and both of you get to travel for free AND you jump right into the front of the queue!

If you feel the world needs togetherness, more opportunities to learn, exchange and understand the richness of humanity – nowhere better to begin than aboard the Chocolate Express.

Here are all the links

The routes are:
– Aalborg-Copehagen
– Copenhagen – Aalborg

1. If you live in cities away from this route- this year your ticket is valid on ALL Arriva trains in Jylland so you can continue your journey towards home and family without a hitch!
2. The ticket is one way – you need to apply separately for each route.

Here are some links to get you going. Remember the deadline for the train going Copenhagen to Aalborg is Sunday 22 November. Here are some quick links to get you going: The Facebook page of Anthon Berg, the story on Arriva’s website, and the Facebook event page.

They are all in Danish, oriented towards Danes, as host. This will get things started. If you are an international student, have no particular host in mind, but would like to experience a Danish Christmas, write to

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