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E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
Is it the subject, or is it the students? What is the problem when 27.3 per cent of students fail a course?
With the university in a state of emergency, Wendy Meng saw her task as improving her students' well-being
Law professor Trine Baumbach describes the consent law as »a paradigm shift«. But she also calls rape cases the Achilles heel of the justice system in her new book. Why? Because of what we think we know about rape victims.
At the Faculty of Law, students are sent on anthropological fieldwork among 'noble savages' to see the world through new eyes. We followed them.
One messed-up exam will not be your downfall. This is according to Karen Riskær Jørgensen, who helps pressured law students on to their next exam - and from university on to a job.
Project manager Thomas Haaning Christiansen from the Faculty of Law won this year's TAP Prize for technical/administrative staff. It was awarded at the Spring Festival on Friday, 25th May.
New master’s course at the Faculty of Law for entrepreneur lawyers in close cooperation with Copenhagen startups.
The Faculty of Law had forgotten to include the spring season’s national holidays and had put course instruction and exams in the same time slot. The solution – moving all the exams by up to 5 weeks – has set off a series of new problems: Exams are now on top of each other, and students fear that it will impact their grades.
What constitutes a ‘threat’? International project led by a UCPH associate professor is to identify the key elements in threats.
University of Southern Denmark is now to take over one of the University of Copenhagen’s historical buildings.