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Marianne Stidsen is finished. She has quit her associate professor position at the University of Copenhagen after accusations of plagiarism, and she is now withdrawing from the public debate. But in what she calls her last interview, she says that she leaves in the same high spirits as when she arrived.
»Closeted centre-right students« praise her for standing by her convictions in the media, but on campus political science student Cille Hald Egholm is often isolated because of her political beliefs.
At the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, there are right opinions and there are wrong opinions. According to political science student Thomas Rohden people are quick to label others racists or transphobes.
Eighty percent of students at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Copenhagen say they vote for parties on the left-wing. Research suggests that students who identify with centre-right political agendas have a hard time expressing their views.