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1165 København K
Tlf: 35 32 28 98 (mon-thurs)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
More than 200 psychology students huddled together for a general meeting and called for a wider academic focus in their study programmes. They voted, and passed a resolution setting out 11 demands. If the students are not heard, they will blockade the department.
The majority of students at the Department of Psychology are women under 25 from affluent families. The department’s management calls for more diversity on the programme and has set off a debate on future admission procedures.
While most of the academic staff at UCPH are men, there are more female students. Is this a problem at all, and is one imbalance worse than the other?
The University of Copenhagen has (at least) one student who is studying now on his tenth year and who, according to himself, is getting a huge benefit out of it every time he goes on the fresher camp for new students. It works as therapy for new students, and for their tutors.