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We sat down with Centre Director at the Danish Centre for Youth Research, Noemi Katznelson, and asked her to predict which degree programs young Danes will apply to in the coming years. Her crystal ball indicates that social responsibility and job security will be among the top motivating factors.
The Greenland ice sheet is a poster child of climate change. But in the Nordics, what happens in West Antarctica and Alaska has a more profound impact on local sea level rise. Sounds strange? Here’s how it works.
Do you think it is a cause for concern that politicians ignore scientific facts when they make decisions? Then you have the chance to make your voice heard by protesting on 22 April
John R. Porter retires after 35 years of crop science. The 67-year-old professor emeritus is now France's oldest postdoc
Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen is an expert in using climate modelling to predict the climate of the future. Now the Niels Bohr Institute is hiring him as professor