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Journalists need his language skills and in-depth understanding of the country. But press interviews take time away from his research and do not earn him points in the University merit system. Sharing scientific findings with the public should be a quantifiable parameter for researchers, he argues.
Communicating research results to the public is important, but it is not specified in researchers’ contracts, so they are forced to do it in their spare time, three researchers say.
Too much research communication is being shelved away and is unnecessarily convoluted, according to curator and former researcher Jacob Lillemose. He now makes his debut with a kind of scientific horror novel that attempts to bring enthusiasm and fun into the world of academia.
UCPH professor Oluf Borbye Pedersen wins the research communication Forskningskommunikationprisen for his enthusiasm in communicating his research into the countless health-friendly gut bacteria. The prize was awarded on 20th April by Minister Søren Pind.