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It's time for this year's round of university elections. Here are this year's leading candidates for the positions on the UCPH Board.
Starting at a Danish university can be a big change in your life. So we want to prepare you with five things that might surprise you.
Here are five important dates to remember, Just to make sure your new life as a university student is off to a good start.
Start brewing your own coffee, quit buying kebabs on your way home from a night out, and get creative with your gifts for friends and family. Here is the ultimate guide to living on a student budget in expensive Copenhagen.
»In terms of your studies, people start expecting less of you. That’s very generous and considerate, but it also made me expect less of myself,« says 24-year-old Alice Bier Zandén. She is a student of art history at the University of Copenhagen, mother of a three-year-old girl, and currently expecting her second child.
Stories of sexism, drinking and crazy initiation rituals, a global #metoo movement and a set of guidelines on how to deal with offensive behaviour made the University of Copenhagen the centre of a stormy debate last year.
Medicine is once again at the top of the list, Odontology and Political Science are steadily climbing, and the trend of more women than men applying continues.
Do you chew celery, eat herrings, or bang on the keyboard in the reading room? Then please stop. An exam-stricken student guides you through some reading room etiquette.
Go to re-examination, forget about your grades, and make demands. At the university, there are many new things to deal with, and one is easily overwhelmed. Here, an experienced student tells what she wishes she had known, when she was on the threshold of student life.