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Associate professor of law Hin-Yan Liu has been named Lecturer of the Year. And this in spite of the fact that according to him he actually does no lecturing. He would rather discuss with his students, and walk away from the classroom with enough material for half a book.
Hin-Yan Liu is popular among his students. He has been voted lecturer of the year.
When Nicole Schmitt does her cell biology teaching, it has Pulp Fiction and soccer matches on the list of references.
Research assistant Maria Damkjær loves cheap and ugly books, and the students love her teaching in British literary history. »If I can't continue at the university, I will have to work through some grief, because who am I then?« she says.
As lecturer in tort and contract law, professor Andreas Bloch Ehlers makes difficult legal issues relevant, and involves the students. He is so good at this that he has been named Teacher of the Year at UCPH.