University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management




Chicago principles debate: »I'm sitting here, so I do have some kind of backbone«

Should the so-called Chicago principles be inscribed in Danish university legislation? Or are Danish universities actually just fine the way they are now? Academic freedom was discussed once again in the Danish parliament on 3 May.


156 physicists sign open letter: »Stand up against Russian propaganda«

The Niels Bohr Institute has released an open letter from physicists from throughout the world. The pursuit of truth makes the rejection of Russian lies about the invasion a necessity, says the head of department.


University Chancellor in speech to Danish Parliament: Students should be exposed to all kinds of ideas


VIDEO: Ukrainian PhDs at physicists' celebration: »Russia's attack is also an attack on science«

Two Ukrainian PhD students called on scientists throughout the world to stand with the Ukrainian people at the celebration of the Niels Bohr Institute's birthday. See their speech here.


Proposals: Convert Danish student grants to loans, cap grade requirements

A one-year master's degree programme, a new admissions system, and the famed Danish student grants converted to loans on master’s degree programmes. These are some of the recommendations that a commission presented Wednesday.


»We need to do everything we can to fight this totalitarian identity politics movement«

Identity politics and activist research threaten the soul of the university. And it needs to be stopped – now. This was the message from a number of determined researchers at a hearing organised by Danish politicians Morten Messerschmidt and Henrik Dahl at the Danish parliament.


Danish universities to cut ties with Russia and Belarus

Following a Danish government request, all Danish universities have stopped their collaboration with state-linked institutions in Russia and Belarus. This will mean that researchers and students at Danish universities will no longer be able to go on exchange or study abroad there.


Danish government offers UCPH a rent discount on Niels Bohr Building

The government is to offer the University of Copenhagen a rent discount of up to DKK 100 million a year, pending a number of unsettled arbitration cases. At the same time, the minister promises to help the university if the final rent level is »unsustainable«.


Political agreement: Benefits slashed for new unemployed graduates

A majority in the Danish parliament has cut unemployment benefits for new graduates by more than DKK 4,000 a month. But difficult bargaining is still to come.


Prorector on the cap on student places: »Not beneficial for the future of Denmark«

If politicians want to avoid major negative consequences for education and research, they should give the University of Copenhagen permission to keep one third of the places earmarked for cuts. This is according to Prorector at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) Bente Stallknecht, after the university has drawn up a provisional plan to fulfil the terms of the relocation agreement.