University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management




Minister: »I would have liked to have seen more ideas for relocation«

Minister for Higher Education and Science Jesper Petersen praises the University of Copenhagen for its plan to set up a medical degree programme in Køge and for using graduate unemployment numbers to cut student places. He would have been happier, however, if the university had presented plans to relocate more student places.


Protester: Why am I worth more than a humanities student?

On the day of the Danish universities' deadline to report cuts and relocations of study programmes to the ministry, students demonstrated in front of parliament.


What we know so far: This will be moved or shut down at the University of Copenhagen

It has not yet been announced exactly which studies will be affected by the relocation agreement. We do know a few things, however, and so we offer you an overview here.


»YOU should move instead!« Students protested against Danish university relocations

The relocation agreement will destroy the future prospects of young people. This was the message from angry students who demonstrated in front of the Danish parliament buildings at Christiansborg. According to the organisers, there are more protests on the way.


Angry humanities students want to spread their rage

A group of students wants to rally their fellow students for battle: A battle to stop the cutbacks resulting from the Danish government's plans to relocate student places outside Danish cities.


»A disaster«: Clinical nutritionists protest after announced closure of master's programme

More than 800 people have signed an open letter protesting a proposal by the management of the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports to close the master's degree programme in clinical nutrition. The decision is a direct consequence of a government plan to relocate university programmes out of Danish cities.


Philosopher of law: This is why universities need the Chicago principles

Associate professor in the philosophy of law Jakob Holtermann supports the Chicago principles that Danish parliament debated 2 December. They protect academics' freedom, he says. But the principles are weakened by the fact that they come from the politicians, not the academics.


»Are UCPH students rubbing shoulders with Turkey's emissaries?« Q&A with Morten Messerschmidt

Morten Messerschmidt (Danish People’s Party) has requested access to documents about seven of UCPH's Middle East researchers. He believes that some employees at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies are closely linked to foreign embassies.


Timeline: 13 cuts to Danish humanities since 2011

The University of Copenhagen is about to cut admissions to the Faculty of Humanities by a quarter as a result of the government's relocation plan. But this is just the latest jaw-dropping development in a decade of bad news for the humanities. See the timeline here.


Top professor decries state of Danish research: »20 years we will never get back«

If politicians do not put a stop to the »extreme top-down management« at universities, Danish research will suffer damage that it will take decades to rectify. The stark warning is from Ole Wæver and several of his colleagues who now present six proposals to reverse the downward spiral.