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At the University of Copenhagen, employees with ‘manager’ job titles have, on average, received a significantly higher percentage wage increase than other employees. This can be seen in a calculation by the University Post on the basis of figures from Lønoverblik.dk. UCPH says the calculation is misleading.
Rector continues to be the best paid member of staff at the University of Copenhagen. But a scientist who in 2014 moved to Denmark from the US is only DKK 45,000 short.
Sophie Løhde, the Danish government's head negotiator and Minister for Public Sector Innovation, has announced at a press conference that the government will lock out state sector employees in response to the trade unions' strike warning on 2nd March.
Union group AC issues notice to 6,000 state-employed academics for a strike. The University of Copenhagen has initially been kept out of the dispute.
Der er enkelte eksempler i KU's ledelse på folk, der får eftervederlag, selv om de er garanteret at kunne fortsætte i et vellønnet job. Ifølge fællestillidsmand bør de overveje at frasige sig deres bonus, men det vil de ikke.
See what the different salary groups earn at the University of Copenhagen