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The chair of the Critical Economics Students group thinks that students and instructors of economics need to ask more critical questions about the models that they use.
The movement Rethinking Economics believes that the Danish study programmes in economics are too one-sided. Now the debate has gone all the way up to the Danish parliament at Christiansborg, where Minister for Higher Education and Science Tommy Ahlers has been summoned to consultations on the issue.
One dark night in December unknown perpetrators committed acts of vandalism on the students' association Jacques D. They wrote 'best regards, Economics ♥ ' in big red capital letters on the toilet wall. A few weeks beforehand two people had urinated through a window into a party in the room at the Department of Political Science. Who is behind the crime? The University Post looks into the case.
Economists can and should work for the common good. This is according to Nobel Prize winner Jean Tirole, who will visit UCPH in October to discuss the climate crisis. Professor Peter Birch Sørensen is looking forward to it.
Morten Nyboe Tabor, who teaches at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), has abolished long lectures and passive lessons in front of a blackboard. Instead he has put discussions, quizzes, and task solving on the syllabus. Not everyone is excited about it.