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E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
A new course at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies has sparked a debate. The University Post was there for the first class of ‘Beyoncé, gender and race’
At the Faculty of Humanities they are tired of being pilloried as unemployed academics who do not contribute to society. They say their unemployment numbers are not too high – and maybe they have a point. They have found mistakes in the Ministry's numbers.
For Gojko Barjamovic, a master’s degree in Assyriology from UCPH was the path to a job at one of the world's most prestigious universities.
The Faculty of Humanities has received 16.2 per cent fewer applications than last year. Several major humanities programmes now have the lowest number of applications since 2008. Student Council and the Associate Dean reckon it is due to government reforms and humanities-bashing in the press.
The Humanities Council delivered a stack of 763 signatures to Dean Ulf Hedetoft on Friday, 2nd June in protest against the planned cuts to the faculty's libraries
A new round of budget cuts for Humanities is likely to be felt throughout the faculty. The administration is considering measures ranging from the amount of time staff has for guidance to reduced library services