University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management




Recycled dean: »We must keep up the fighting spirit«

She inherited the Faculty of Humanities when her predecessor quit. With her one hand she has to restore trust within the faculty. With the other she has to cut 300 student places. What on earth does the dean Kirsten Busch Nielsen actually intend to do?


Timeline: 13 cuts to Danish humanities since 2011

The University of Copenhagen is about to cut admissions to the Faculty of Humanities by a quarter as a result of the government's relocation plan. But this is just the latest jaw-dropping development in a decade of bad news for the humanities. See the timeline here.


The Humanities of the Future


UCPH humanities faculty to slash student admissions by 24 per cent

A total of 1,590 student places will be cut at the University of Copenhagen. Most of them at the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Science.


Staff spooked by new Faculty of Humanities sensors

The sensors are ostensibly to make the cleaning more efficient at the faculty, but employees fear that the data will be used to cut back on office workspaces. The campus manager denies the claims.


Language debate: Students want disclaimer on Arabic language text compendia

Some students criticise the teaching materials on their Arabic language course. They are outdated and should portray a wider range of lifestyles in the Middle East, they say, and suggest adding a disclaimer to the textbooks, to remind the reader that they were written in a different era.


Why is Norway shovelling money into the humanities, while Denmark cuts back?

In Denmark, humanities subjects have been hit by cuts and a debate over their usefulness and relevance. In Norway, the government has just given the humanities a NOK 100 million boost. The University Post asked an expert in education why there is this difference.


Tutor infected with corona – students permitted to go ahead with intro programme

Six additional students on the rhetoric programme at the University of Copenhagen are in self-quarantine. Faculty director 'certain' that more corona cases will be forthcoming, but ready to handle them.


He is centre-right ... and leads one of the most left-wing student organisations in Copenhagen

Kevin Olesen went into student politics during the great blockade of 2019. On most issues, he agrees with Denmark’s Liberal Party, but on the Humanities Student Council he finds common ground with anarchists and Marxists.


After 38-day stand-off and negotiations: The Faculty of Humanities target plan

The merging of courses which set off the protests is not mentioned explicitly in the new target plan. However, according to the associate dean, this does not exclude the use of mergers in the future.