Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


3rd Danish Single Cell Meeting: Biotechnology and Application to Biology

Konference — This conference will focus on novel wet-lab and computational approaches in single cell omics field to investigate function of complex tissues in health and disease. Some talks will be dedicated to technological advance in spatial omics to link tissue structure to cellular function. Finally, the second day of the meeting will be dedicated to two thematic sessions: Neuroscience and Metabolism.


Date & Time:

Natural History Museum of Denmark, Øster Voldgade 5-7, 1350 Copenhagen K (dinner & postersession at Mærsk Tower, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 København N)

Hosted by:

Student: 375 DKK, Academic non-student: 750 DKK, Non-academic: 1.250 DKK


This conference continues the Danish Single Cell yearly meetings as the first post covid in-person meeting. It will focus on novel wet-lab and computational approaches in single cell omics field to investigate function of complex tissues in health and disease. Some talks will be dedicated to technological advance in spatial omics to link tissue structure to cellular function. Finally, the second day of the meeting will be dedicated to two thematic sessions: Neuroscience and Metabolism.

Please note, the conference is limited to 150 participants. If the list is full, you can sign up on a waiting list and you will be contacted if a space becomes available.

Deadline for registration: 26st March
