Nørregade 10
1165 København K
Tlf: 21 17 95 65 (man-fre kl. 9-15)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
Øvrige — The world’s first BIOMIMICRY Festival! You are invited to 5 days with exciting and educational presentations, conversations, music, performance and taste experiences inspired by our dogmas: Season, Wild and Local with a focus on producers and dishes that can inspire awareness and enjoyment.. In just 2 weeks, we will hold Denmark's first BIOMIMICRY FESTIVAL in collaboration with Nordic Biomimicry, Teaterøen in KBH and Roots & Jazz, which i.a. delivers a concert with the talented singer Julie Maria.
Date & Time:
Teaterøen, Mørkøv og Amager Fælled.
Hosted by:
Social Cities
In English below:
Velkommen til verdens første BIOMIMICRY Festival
Køb dine dagsbilletter her for 150kr., inkl. mad: https://billetto.dk/…/biomimicry-sensommerfestival…
OBS: Gratis for studerende!
Vores festival kommer i slipstrømmen på FN’s nedslående rapport om planeten og dets klima. Biomimicry er et opløftende modsvar, der gennem naturen kan inspirere os mennesker til innovative og bæredygtige løsninger for fremtiden!
‘Biomimicry’ kommer fra det græske ord bios (liv), og mimesis (det at imitere), der i bund og grund går ud på, at dykke ned i naturen for at lære af de milliarder af år, den har fundet på løsninger til videre liv. Vi mennesker har kun været på planeten i en brøkdel af den tid, hvilket får en til at tænke: hvem skal lære af hvem for fremtidens liv?
Det bliver en banebrydende festival hvor alle sanser bliver aktiveret gennem workshops, safari, musik, taler, præsentationer, mad, film og meget mere!
Vi er så heldige at kunne præsentere:
Adrian Lloyd Hughes, journalist og vært, der er højaktuel med podcasten Mors Afskedsbrev
DJ Ras Money, musikker, poet og rapper, også kendt som Raske Penge
Torben Lenau, professor ved DTU, der gennem biomimicry forskningsfelt er kommet nærmere på hvordan vi kan udvikle og designe plastkanyler ved at imitere myggesnabler
Julie Maria, sanger, som bl.a. har 3.3mio. afspilninger på sin sang Pagten på Spotify
Yderligere vil en af årets mest sete dokumentarfilm ‘The Mushrooms Speaks’ af Marion Neumann blive vist og der vil være mulighed for at prøve fra-jord-til-bord mad med råvarer, der ikke tærer på naturen, akkompagneret af økologisk is fra Boisen Is!
Se hele programmet på vores hjemmeside: https://www.socialcities.dk/projects/biomimicry-festival
Bliv medlem af Social Cities, og få vores årlige nyhedsbrev samt invitation og adgang til alle vores arrangementer. Støt vores organisation og få samtidig adgang til hele festivallen for blot en 50’er. Skriv ”Member Social Cities + din mailadresse” på Mobilepay til 479901, og bliv medlem i dag.
Følg med her på Facebook for løbende, dugfrie opdateringer på festivalen!
I samarbejde med Nordic Biomimicry og Teaterøen
Vi glæder os til at se jer!
The world’s first BIOMIMICRY Festival!
Get your tickets here for 150 kr. a day, Incl. food: https://billetto.dk/…/biomimicry-sensommerfestival…
Free for students!
You are invited to 5 days with exciting and educational presentations, conversations, music, performance and taste experiences inspired by our dogmas: Season, Wild and Local with a focus on producers and dishes that can inspire awareness and enjoyment.. In just 2 weeks, we will hold Denmark’s first BIOMIMICRY FESTIVAL in collaboration with Nordic Biomimicry, Teaterøen in KBH and Roots & Jazz, which i.a. delivers a concert with the talented singer Julie Maria. See the full program attached in the email or at www.socialcities.dk. The event is supported by the Danish Agency for Culture.
Why a festival on biomimicry?
Biomimicry comes from Greek bio (life), and mimi (to imitate). Biomimicry is about imitating nature in order to develop in co-creation with it and to draw inspiration from the innovative solutions it possesses. Bio-inspired design is a practice where you develop technology and systems with inspiration from nature to solve some of the challenges of humans. Not least to find sustainable solutions for the green transition. For life in nature has adapted to many of the same challenges as us humans, it has only had approx. 3.8 billion years to it. Come and be inspired when biomimicry experts and practitioners, artists and designers, architects, biologists, engineers, entrepreneurs, thinkers, poets, writers and musicians will interpret the theme from diverse angles.
Become a member of Social Cities and get our yearly newsletter and invitation and access to all our events. Support our association and at the same time get access to the festival’s exciting content all five days for only DKK 50 on MobilePay 479901. Write “Member. Social Cities + your @ email” in the subject field.
We look forward to meeting you: in the city, by the water, in the woods and in the countryside, for conversations, for parties and dance. The festival opens on Wednesday the 25th at 15 and ends Sunday the 29th at. 17. On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday there will be dinner and music in the evening.
Help spread the message in your network and bring friends, family and couples.