Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


CECS & CRS Workshop - Towards Pax & Lex Sinica?

Øvrige — The unstable situation in the Western world during the later years has pushed China and relations with China to the forefront of global and geopolitics as well as in international agreements, not least the Paris Accord on Climate Change from 2016, from which the US resigned in 2017.


Date & Time:

Conference/flex room, ground floor (yellow area), room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S

Hosted by:
CECS - Centre for European and Comparative Legal Studies and CRS - Centre for Studies in Legal Culture



This informal workshop attempts to address these transitions from a number of different angles primarily represented by researchers, who are active at the Faculty of law at the University of Copenhagen, but also including a representative from the Chinese Embassy and other scholars.

Publication plans may be considered.

Note: PhD-students attending this course will earn 0,5 ECTS

Programme and registration
