Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


DIKU Bits: 4 out of 10 million: How computer science helps to safely produce individualized cars

Foredrag — At this DIKU Bits lecture Boris Düdder will present his research on cryptographic data structures and discuss why these structures are so hyped.


Date & Time:

Lille UP1, Universitetsparken 1, 2100 København Ø

Hosted by:



Boris Düdder, Assistant Professor in the Software, Data, People & Society Section (SDPS)


What happens if your data needs to be more secure than merely stored in a file? Cryptographic data structures are in the focus of the public – called blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT). But why are these data structures now so hyped? And what is behind the hype, i.e., Bitcoin? I got interested in the topic from the perspective of developing reliable industrial production systems for car manufacturers producing your individualized dream car, and I will present our research and application with the internet of things (IoT) and DLT.

The talk will be conducted in English

Zooming in on Boris Düdder

Which courses do you teach? (BSc and MSc)
I am teaching Software udvikling (BSc), Subjects on Blockchain Technology (MSc), and Topics in Programming Languages (MSc).

Which technology/research/projects/startup are you excited to see the evolution of?
I am thrilled of automating software engineering through AI to deliver more reliable and safe software products.

What is your favorite sketch from the DIKUrevy?
I very much enjoyed the sketch “Politisk permutation” (2014).
