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Foredrag — On 30 November the IMAGE Section at Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, will give a DIKU Bits lecture.
Date & Time:
Small UP1, DIKU, Universitetsparken 1, University of Copenhagen
Hosted by:
Jon Sporring (VILF), Martin Lilholm (VILU), Datalogisk Fagråd
Melanie Ganz-Benjaminsen, Assistant Professor in the IMAGE Section at Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen.
Reducing the need for general anesthesia in children undergoing neuroimaging by preparation and motion correction
It is standard procedure in most Danish hospitals to employ general anesthesia when small children are undergoing medical imaging procedures. Movement during the image acquisition can cause serious distortions of the image invalidating its quality and leading to an erroneous conclusion. Our project aims to utilize recent developments in hardware technology in order to show that young children can undergo medical imaging procedures without anesthesia and obtain a high-quality diagnostic scan.