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Foredrag — Arven fra Oldtidens græske medicin - grundlaget for nutidens medicin.
Date & Time:
Auditoriet, Medicinsk Museion Bredgade 62
Hosted by:
Dansk Medicinsk-historisk Selskab
Marianna Karamanou MD, PhD associate professor of History of Medicine, Medical School, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece.
The establishment of rational medicine remains one of the most important contributions of ancient Greek medicine. The culmination of this was reflected in the work of Hippocrates (460-377), who created a firm tradition of secular medicine. His legacy passed down thanks to the Hippocratic Corpus, covering all areas of medical thought and practice. The methodology employed by physicians such as Hippocrates survived for centuries influencing several medical systems and was finally assimilated into current Medical practice.