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Øvrige —
Date & Time:
CSS, Øster Farimagsgade 5, Etnografisk Eksploratorium (4.1.12)
Hosted by:
Global Development Network - University of Copenhagen.
The Global Development Network at University of Copenhagen is hosting a student driven event aiming at mobilizing students and staff across the university and beyond, around a common agenda on global development.
The event this year is titled: Global Development Day: Doing Development Differently – What could the world look like if students were in charge?
Date: 11th May 2022
Time: 10:00-19:00
Place: Faculty of Social Sciences, City Campus, Øster Farimagsgade 5, Building 4, Room 4.1.12 – Etnografisk Exploratorium
All day ongoing activities:
10:00 – 18:00: KU Wishing Tree – wishing list for rector
Wishes for a better global development agenda and our responsibility as a high ranked research university – directed towards the Rector of UCPH
10:00 – 18:00: Clothes Swap – in collaboration with ‘Rodebutikken’
Forget Black Friday, swapping is the new shopping! Bring your old clothes to the GD Day and swap them out for others that you like more! Join us in making shopping simple, social and sustainable.
Scheduled program:
10:00 – 11:20: Youth4Change – Dig deeper and relate wider
Come to an exciting exhibition workshop where young voices are the centre of attention. At this exhibition workshop, you are invited into an open space of dialogue where you can experience voices of young people from different places around the world talking about a better development agenda.
11:30 -12:30: ‘Food for thoughts’: Transforming food systems by FoodSHIFT2030
FoodSHIFT2030 aims to launch an ambitious citizen-driven transition of the European food system towards a low carbon circular future. Luke Schafer will give a short presentation on the project with a follow-up discussion on how to include students and the youth in this transformation.
12:30-13:00: Free Samosas and Abu Samra snacks and poetry science slam workshop.
13:00 – 14:20: Critical Crash Course on Decolonizing Global Development Studies
Colonial roots and structural inequality are deeply ingrained in many development projects and research. Discover ways to develop a critical decolonial view of your studies and curriculum with the student initiative Decolonizing Global Health.
14:30 – 16:00: GDD Lounge: Meet professionals working in global development – entryways to global jobs
Meet professionals working in the field of global development. Be informed of how different organisation work with global development and what they consider as the most urgent and important challenges of our time. What role does young academics play in their organisation? And how are students able to engage?
Meet among others: Danish Red Cross Youth, UN City Youth Association, DanChurch Aid and Action Aid.
16:15 – 17:30 Poetry Science Slam
Science Slam is a modern art form of science communication which has two goals; to entertain and to be meaningful. There are no other rules. Present a short pitch/presentation of a given project of yours – be it from your courses, your thesis or critical reflections and ideas – but preferable evolving around a global issue. Our poetry slammers will then transform your academic pitch into a poetry. The audience will vote for the best pitch and slam which will be awarded this year’s ‘globe award’. Afterwards you can chill out with your fellow Slammers, fans, friends and beers!
17:45 – 18:45: Embodying History, Humanising the “Developing”
This workshop proposes an alternative approach to history through dance and music. Its aim is to improve the human and cultural connection between the global “north” and “south”. Come ready to learn with your body and challenge existing narratives about “us” and “them”.
18:45 – 19:00: Farewell and see you next year
More info: See our Instagram or Facebook.
Contact: If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us on mail.