Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


Harnessing romantic relationships as a platform for HIV prevention in young sexual and gender minorities

Forelæsning — The University of Copenhagen's School of Global Health, Queer Union KU, and the AIDS Foundation are inviting you to an afternoon symposium where we will explore how romantic relationships can provide health benefits for sexual and gender minorities.


Date & Time:

CSS 1.1.18 (Building 1, Floor 1, Room 18), Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1357 Copenhagen K or online via Zoom Webinar

Hosted by:
The School of Global Health, Queer Union KU, AIDS-Fondet



The University of Copenhagen’s School of Global Health, Queer Union KU, and the AIDS Foundation are inviting you to an afternoon symposium where we will explore how romantic relationships can provide health benefits for sexual and gender minorities.

The event is organised on the occasion of the visit to University of Copenhagen by Michael E. Newcomb, Associate Professor and Director of THRIVE Center for Translational Science in Sexual and Gender Minority Health, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University.

More information to come.

We kindly ask participants to register here: https://globalhealth.ku.dk/events/2024/harnessing-romantic-relationships-as-a-platform-for-hiv-prevention-in-young-sexual-and-gender-minorites/registration/

Online participants can join the Zoom Webinar link here: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/67445744742#success
