Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


Honorary lectures by Professor Deirdre Curtin and Professor Inger-Johanne Sand

Forelæsning — The Panoptic Administrative State in Europe by Professor of European Law Deirdre Curtin, European University Institute and New Constitutional Questions: who protects the environment, biological data and democratic governance by Professor Inger-Johanne Sand, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo.


Date & Time:

Alf Ross Auditorium, 3rd floor, room 9A-3-01, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S

Hosted by:
CECS - Centre for European and Comparative Legal Studies and WELMA - Centre for Legal Studies in Welfare and Market



The Faculty of Law invites you to attend the honorary doctor lectures:

  • The Panoptic Administrative State in Europe by Professor of European Law Deirdre Curtin, European University Institute
  • New Constitutional Questions: who protects the environment, biological data and democratic governance by Professor Inger-Johanne Sand, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo.

Deirdre Curtin and Inger-Johanne Sand are both appointed honorary doctors at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.

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