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1165 København K
Tlf: 21 17 95 65 (man-fre kl. 9-15)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
Foredrag — Hver anden tirsdag til frokost giver en DIKU forsker en præsentation af et specifikt forskningsområde. Foredragene vil give dig et indblik i DIKUs forskellige forskningsområder, motivere dig til at følge din interesse inden for datalogi og forberede dig til at vælge et emne til dit bachelorprojekt.
Date & Time:
Lille UP1, Universitetsparken 1, 2100 København Ø
Hosted by:
DIKU, Københavns Universitet
On Tuesday 17th of December from 12.15-13.00 in Small UP1, Michael Kirkedal Thomsen from the PLTC section will speak at DIKU Bits.
Bring your lunch, your fellow students, and join us when Michael dives into the problem of measuring energy usage in software and IT Systems at the last DIKU Bits of 2024!
The Information and Communications Technology sector is responsible for and increasing amount of the energy consumed today, and the current development with IoTs and AI this is only expected to accelerate in the coming years.
In this talk, Michael will explain how we, as computer scientists, can understand and try mitigate this problem. He will show the challenges of measuring and comparing the power consumption of both IT systems and individual programs, and show how this compares to our best results. This will show a first step to contributing to the development of more energy-efficient software by supporting future programmers with energy-aware programming languages, tools, and wider system models.
DIKU Bits is the perfect place to spark your inspiration, fuel interests, and get closer to research at DIKU. Whether you are considering a project out of scope, want to get inspired for an upcoming bachelor project or thesis, or simply find the topic exciting, this is the perfect opportunity for you to expand your horizons.