Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


Julie Nordgaard Frederiksen´s Doctoral Defence

Disputatforsvar — MD, PhD Julie Nordgaard Frederiksen´s Doctoral Defence of the doctoral dissertation: "Psychopathology in the schizophrenia spectrum: the subjective dimension"


Date & Time:

The defence is conducted as a digital defence with partly physical presence.

Hosted by:
The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences


On Friday 25 June 2021 at 13:00 MD, PhD Julie Nordgaard Frederiksen will defend her doctoral dissertation in order to be awarded the doctoral degree in medical science (dr.med.) (DMSc.).


“Psychopathology in the schizophrenia spectrum: the subjective dimension”

Opponents at the Defence Ceremony
Professor Thomas Fuchs, University of Heidelberg, Germany is 1st official opponent.
Professor Giovanni Stanghellini, University of Chieti, Italy is 2nd official opponent.

Opponents ex Auditorio

Unofficial opponents must contact the Chair of the Defence Ceremony Professor Birte Yding Glenthøj, University of Copenhagen, email: Birte.Glenthoej@regionh.dk.

Professor Martin Balslev Jørgensen, University of Copenhagen chairs the assessment committee.

Please contact Mathilde Harder by email: mathilde.harder@regionh.dk to obtain a copy of the dissertation.

For a copy of the assessment committee’s report please contact Faculty Service by email: doctoral-degree@sund.ku.dk.

Time and Place
Friday 25 June 2021 at 13:00

The defence is conducted as a digital defence with partly physical presence.

The physical place of the defence

Psykiatrisk Center Amager, Digevej 110, 2300 København S

If you wish to attend the defence, please must sign-up by contacting the author Julie Nordgaard Frederiksen: julie.nordgaard.frederiksen@regionh.dk or Mathilde Harder: mathilde.harder@regionh.dk.

To attend the digital defence, please follow the link

If you wish to attend the defence via the digital solution: Please follow the link and hereafter the instructions to download the required Zoom-client. If the Zoom-client is incompatible with your pc, smartphone etc. you can attend via an Internet browser. Log-in in due time before to allow time to install the Zoom-client.

As the defence is held as a partly digital defence with physical presence, we kindly ask guests who do not have an active role in the defence to mute your microphones and leave your cameras turned off during the defence.
