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Foredrag — Following up on our Pandemic Ethics debate with Anders Tegnell, Mia Gall Grandahl, a psychiatrist in Region H and chairperson of ATLAS (Den Lægefaglige Tænketank), will present and discuss mental health consequences of COVID-19 restrictions in Denmark.
Date & Time:
Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies, University of Copenhagen, CSS 5.0.22
Hosted by:
During the Corona pandemic the Danish Government locked down the country, including schools, and introduced restrictions in nursing homes, making it difficult to visit older family members. The restrictions made it more difficult for family doctors to see their patients and for people to get medical help. This was to prevent people from getting severely ill from COVID-19 and with the declared good intent of protecting the population from early death. But COVID-19 policies have also had severe consequences for the management and treatment of other life-threatening illnesses and diseases, which will be presented and discussed in this talk.
Mia Gall Grandahl is chairperson of ATLAS (Den Lægefaglige Tænketank) who have analyzed some of these consequences, e.g. reports on: consequences of lockdown on the mental and physical health of the elderly; Lockdowns and immunological liabilities; Consequences of lockdowns on children’s health; and The role of children in the spread of infection.