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1165 København K
Tlf: 21 17 95 65 (man-fre kl. 9-15)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
Konference — Every second-year health law scholars from throughout the Nordics gather to discuss new and concluding research on biomedical and health law topics.
Date & Time:
Zoom (link provided upon registration)
Hosted by:
Professor Mette Hartlev, Assistant Professor Katharina Eva Ó Cathaoir - Centre for Legal Studies in Welfare and Market (WELMA) & Professor MSO Janne Rothmar Hermann – Centre for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law (CeBIL)
This year’s conference spans several pressing themes, including a plenary session on experiences of Covid-19 in Denmark, Sweden and Finland, which will evaluate key aspects of the Nordics responses to the pandemic.
The conference will also feature sessions on children’s rights, discrimination, access to treatment, legal accountability in healthcare, patients’ rights in Denmark, Sweden and Finland and human rights in healthcare.
The conference concludes with a plenary presentation comparing non-fault liability within the Scandinavian health care and an introduction to Nordic PerMed Law: a new platform for law and personalized medicine, science and medicine.