Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


NTS Anniversary Conference on Nordic Cooperation On Implementation of EU Company Law

Konference — The Pan-Nordic Company Law Journal NTS celebrates its 20th Anniversary with a conference followed by a PhD Seminar.


Date & Time:

Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen), Langelinie Allé 17, 2100 Copenhagen Ø

Hosted by:
Centre for Market and Economic Law (CME), The Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen in cooperation with Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, Danish Business Authority, Djøf Publishing, Dansk Forening for Selskabsret and Moalem Weitemeyer Bendtsen Advokatpartnerselskab



To celebrate its 20th anniversary, NTS will host a conference in Copenhagen on Friday 4th October 2019, 9 am to 3 pm, on the subject of ‘Nordic Cooperation On the Implementation of EU Company Law’.
Part 1 of the conference concerns cooperation among the five Nordic countries when implementing EU company law using as a case the recent implementation of SRD2. Part 2 consists of short lectures by academics and practitioners on the relationship between EU law and Nordic company law.

The hosts are NTS, the Danish Business Authority, University of Copenhagen, DJØF Publishing and the Danish Company Law Association.

The conference is in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English.

The venue of the conference is at the offices of the Danish Business Authority in Copenhagen.

Participation is free, but registration is required. Danish lawyers may apply for a certificate for their participation. Please register here no later than 27 September 2019 at 12:00

PhD Seminar on company and financial Law
After the conference, the Danish Business Authority and the University of Copenhagen sponsors a PhD-seminar, where PhD-students currently admitted at an academic institution in the Nordic Region and writing within company or financial law are invited to present their projects and have them discussed. The seminar is held at the same venue as the conference from 3 – 5 pm.

The Nordic Capital Market Law Network (NKN) offers financial support for PhD-students, who would like to attend the seminar and present their work for open discussion. Only PhD-students who have not yet completed their dissertation are eligible for support. Special concern may be given, if the dissertation has been defended and has passed within the last 12 months. NKN aim to provide support for at least one PhD-student from each institution in the Nordic Region to have his/her travel costs and a one night stay covered. If further funds are supplied, support will be available for more students, but this is not yet clear. To apply for financial support, email Prof Jesper Lau Hansen at jlh@jur.ku.dk and list your name, affiliation (academic institution), title and subject of PhD thesis and declare that the thesis has not yet been accepted or has passed within the last 12 months.

Participation is free, but registration is required. Deadline for registrationfrom PhD students is 6 September 2019 at 12:00.

More information will be posted later, so keep attention to this site.
