Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


Open conference: Just CITIES - How can we create more equitable urban environments?


Konference — Just CITIES is a one-day conference that brings together researchers, professionals, and activists to discuss: What is a just city? How can scientists, industry, philanthropy, and urban governance walk-the-talk and create more equitable urban environments?


Date & Time:

Festsalen, Frue Plads 4
1168 København K
Københavns Universitet

Hosted by:
Intersect Research Hub, University of Copenhagen: Henriette Steiner hst@ign.ku.dk Kristin Veel kristinv@hum.ku.dk



Just CITIES is a one-day conference that brings together researchers, professionals, and activists to discuss: What is a just city? How can scientists, industry, philanthropy, and urban governance walk-the-talk and create more equitable urban environments?

The conference will open with a keynote by Professor of History of Science Londa Schiebinger from Stanford University and director of Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment. Panel discussions bringing together academics, stakeholders and philanthropists will dive into three themes: Equitable Data, Healthy Cities for Everyone, Feminist Urban Governance.

The conference will showcase how different research and design methodologies can help decision makers build and govern more just and equitable cities. The conference encourages methodological innovation, will include an art screening and end with a joint writing workshop whereby participants and panelists can reflect on and share learnings from the day.

Raising feminist awareness, we ask how can intersectional and sustainability goals work together? How can interdisciplinary research and innovative, collaborate methodologies help advance just urban development in the future? All welcome!

The conference is organized by Associate Professors Henriette Steiner and Kristin Veel, Intersect Research Hub, Copenhagen University and supported by the Carlsberg Foundation, Boligfonden Kuben, Urban Green Transition Living Lab and Københavns Universitets Almene Fond.

Welcome addresses, art screening by artist Kristoffer Ørum and keynote by Londa Schiebinger, Stanford University

Panel on Equitable Data

Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, Associate Professor, Department of Art and Cultural Studies University of Copenhagen
Lila Lee-Morrison, research fellow, Intersect
Olivier Corradi, CEO, Electricity Maps
Steffen Dalsgaard, Professor, Department of Business IT, IT University of Copenhagen
Helena Udsen, activist, Ren Luft and Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse

Lunch with walk-and-talk

Panel on Healthy Cities for Everyone

Jessica Holmes, Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen
Ulrika Stigsdottor, Professor, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
Maria Bee-Christensen-Strynø, Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen
Alison McDougall-Weil, UX research, formerly at Google
Josie Wittmer, postdoc, Institute of Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne
Rene Sørensen Overby, Project Developer at Universal Design Hub, Bevica Fonden

Panel on Feminist Urban Governance

Natalie Gulsrud, Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences and natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
Anne Skovbro, CEO By&Havn
Patience Mguni, Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences and natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
Lærke Sivkjær, Municipality of Copenhagen, Urban Green transition Living Lab
Carla Jiménez I Puigdevall, Municipality of Copenhagen, Urban Green transition Living Lab
Jason Henderson, Professor, Department of Geography & Environment, San Francisco State University

Stories as Solutions Writing Workshop followed by wine reception with workshop results.
