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Seminar — Do you want to test your skills and develop a sustainable solution together with students from UCPH, DTU and CBS? Then register for Open Innovation CIRCULARITY
Date & Time:
The Old University Library at Fiolstræde, Kbh K
DTU Skylab, Centrifugevej 374, 2800 Kongens Lyngby
CBS, Solbjerg Pl. 3, 2000 Frederiksberg
There will be free transportation from inner city to Lyngby
Hosted by:
Actory @UCPH, DTU Skylab & CSE @CBS
This Fall 2022 University of Copenhagen, DTU Skylab, CSE at Copenhagen Business School join forces to co-host an open innovation challenge in collaboration with industry partners to contribute towards sustainable change and action.
Open Innovation CIRCULARITY consists of an innovation challenge weekend + finals (Sept 23 – 25 and Sep 29), where together, students across institutions and disciplines, develop circular solutions in systems with an aim to rethink our creation, usage and disposal of products & services.
As a student, you can choose between 3 challenges.
Based on your interest & profile, you will be put in a team so you are guaranteed to meet students outside of your education institution. (It is possible to sign up with an existing team, more details in signup form.)
Why participate?
And most importantly – the opportunity to create sustainable change together with others.
All students can join and it’s completely free!
Date: 23-35 September + 29 September
Read more and register here on Openinnovationx.dk