Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


PhD defence: Alice Pizzo (IFRO)

Ph.d.-forsvar — Alice Pizzo's thesis contributes to the understanding of behavioral mechanisms, such as research cooperation, sustainable food consumption habits and healthy behaviors. Altogether these are foundational elements for a thriving society that reestablishes the people and the planet as the center of the conversation.


Date & Time:

Physically: Von Langen, Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C.

Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/61457711142?pwd=OEU0bS93cWdZUnVleVJrdEcwaGhpUT09

Meeting ID: 614 5771 1142

Passcode: 928998​

Hosted by:
Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen


PhD defence by Alice Pizzo, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen (IFRO).

Title of thesis: Behavioral economics in action: Different experimental approaches to investigating behaviors in social and personal contexts​

November 23, 2021 – 14:30-17:30

For abstract, details, and more, visit the official event page on KU.dk here

How to participate:

Address: Von Langen, Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C.

The defence is open to all.

Link for hybrid Zoom participation:


Meeting ID: 614 5771 1142

Passcode: 928998​
