Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


PhD defence by Xiaoyi Wang

Ph.d.-forsvar — On 2 June 2020, Xiaoyi Wang will defend his PhD thesis. The PhD defence will take place virtually on Zoom and everyone can join via www.di.ku.dk/begivenhedsmappe/begivenheder-2020/phd-defence-by-xiaoyi-wang/


Date & Time:

Zoom (vitual defence)

Hosted by:



Data Visualizations for Helping Users Understand Statistical Models


Statistical models are playing a pivotal role in many domains (e.g., biology, chemistry, health care) and help users learn from data, find patterns, and make decisions. There is an increasing need for domain experts to use such models for understanding and solving domain-specific problems. However, domain experts may not be experts in data science. They may face two challenges when developing and using statistical models. One challenge is that the knowledge of non-expert users may be insufficient to evaluate statistical models in the model development process. The other challenge is that an insufficient understanding of statistical models may result in wrong decisions. To bridge the gaps between users’ comprehension and statistical models, this thesis investigates how interactive data visualizations help users understand statistical models.

Assessment Committee

Professor Katarzyna Wac, Department of Computer Science
Professor Heidrun Schumann, University of Rostock
Associate Professor Hans-Jörg Schultz, Aarhus University

Leader of defense: Irina Shklovski


Principal Supervisor Kasper Anders Søren Hornbæk

 For an electronic copy of the thesis, please contact phdadmin@di.ku.dk
