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Ph.d.-forsvar — Zoë Sakura Ogahara's thesis underscores the necessity of integrating marginalized perspectives into sustainability policies to ensure more inclusive and effective approaches to sustainable palm oil production.
Date & Time:
Festauditoriet, Bülowsvej 17, Frederiksberg C.
Hosted by:
Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), University of Copenhagen
Hybrid PhD defence by Zoë Sakura Ogahara, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen (IFRO).
Title of thesis: Exploring Equitable Sustainability Trajectories: Perspectives from the beginning of the palm oil global value chain
January 24, 09:00-12:00
For abstract, details, and more, visit the official event page on KU.dk here.
Address: Festauditoriet, Bülowsvej 17, Frederiksberg C.
This event is open to all.
For information on participation, please visit the event page.