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Øvrige — QDev/NBIA Summer School - Quantum Materials in Condensed Matter Physics
Date & Time:
August Krogh Building, Universitetsparken 13, 2100 København
Hosted by:
Center for Quantum Devices / Niels Bohr International Academy
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The Center for Quantum Devices and the Niels Bohr International Academy in Copenhagen invite PhD students in experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics for an international summer school on state-of-the-art ideas underlying the field of Quantum Materials.
This PhD summer course in condensed matter physics will provide a broad introduction to the fundamentals of quantum materials and the new types of phenomena that they may enable. The course will cover both the theoretical concepts underlying quantum materials and devices, and the state-of-the-art in experimental techniques for materials growth and the investigation of novel electronic and optical properties.
Yuval Oreg (Weizmann Institure of Science)
Ataç Imamoglu (ETH Zürich)
Ronny Thomale, (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
Stuart Parkin (Director, Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle)
Claudia Felser, (Director, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden)