Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


The Trouble of Putting AI Ethics into Practice

Foredrag — Hver anden tirsdag til frokost giver en DIKU forsker en præsentation af et specifikt forskningsområde. Foredragene vil give dig et indblik i DIKUs forskellige forskningsområder, motivere dig til at følge din interesse inden for datalogi og evt. forberede dig til at vælge et emne til dit bachelorprojekt.


Date & Time:

Lille UP1, DIKU, Universitetsparken 1, 2100 København Ø

Hosted by:
DIKU, Københavns Universitet


On Tuesday 1st of October from 12.15-13.00 in Small UP1, Sonja Rebecca Rattay from the HCC section will speak at DIKU Bits. Bring your lunch, your fellow students, and join Sonja’s talk.

Sonja will dive into how ethics in the design of technology has a long history of debate that periodically surfaces with more urgency than at other times.
The fast progression of development and deployment of AI systems in the last years is one of such times.

As a result, conversations around ethics have spread beyond the field of moral philosophy, and the disciplines of HCI, computer science, data science and engineering are all making efforts to create generally applicable forms of applied ethics for the field. Sonja’s research investigates the tensions between good intentions and good practice in technical practice, and dives into the challenges that arise when imagined technical futures and social relations come into conflict.

DIKU Bits is the perfect place to spark your inspiration, fuel interests, and get closer to research at DIKU. Whether you are considering a project out of scope, want to get inspired for an upcoming bachelor project or thesis, or simply find the topic exciting, this is the perfect opportunity for you to expand your horizons.
