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Disputatforsvar — MD Tina Nørgaard Munch´s doctoral defence of the dissertation: “On the Aetiology and Prognosis of Infantile Hydrocephalus”
Date & Time:
Statens Serum Institut
Entrance through the reception at Artillerivej 5, 2300 København S
Location at SSI: Lecture Hall, room 219,
Vaccinevej 11, 2nd floor
The defence ceremony will be followed by a reception.
Registration for the doctoral defence ceremony and reception: Birgitte Ødegaard: biod@ssi.dk
Hosted by:
The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
On Friday 1 November 2024 at 13:00 MD Tina Nørgaard Munch will defend her doctoral dissertation to be awarded the doctoral degree in medical science (dr.med.) (DMSc.).
“On the Aetiology and Prognosis of Infantile Hydrocephalus”
Opponents at the Defence Ceremony
Professor Ulrich-Wilhelm Thomale, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin is 1st opponent
Professor Rikke Steensbjerre Møller, University of Southern Denmark is 2nd opponent
Opponents ex Auditorio
Unofficial opponents must contact the Chair of the Defence Professor Kirsten Møller, University of Copenhagen, email: Kirsten.Moeller.01@regionh.dk.
Professor Jørgen Erik Nielsen, University of Copenhagen, chairs the assessment committee
Please find a copy of the dissertation here.
For a copy of the assessment committee’s report please contact Faculty Service by email: doctoral-degree@sund.ku.dk.
Time and Place
Friday 1 November 2024 at 13:00
Statens Serum Institut
Entrance through the reception at Artillerivej 5, 2300 København S
Location at SSI: Lecture Hall, room 219,
Vaccinevej 11, 2nd floor
The defence ceremony will be followed by a reception.
Registration for the doctoral defence ceremony and reception: Birgitte Ødegaard: biod@ssi.dk