Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


Conference on deterrence in International Criminal Justice

Konference — This conference brings together leading scholars from a broad range of disciplinary perspectives to qualify and expand the ongoing conversation about the deterrent effect of ICTs.


Date & Time:

University of Copenhagen, Udvalgsværelse 3 (Committee Room 3), Nørregade 10, DK-1165 Copenhagen K

Hosted by:
iCourts - The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence for International Courts, and The Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen with the support of Dreyers Fond



The year 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of the Rome Statute that led to the establishment of the International Criminal Court in 2002. Although initially carried into existence on a wave of humanitarian enthusiasm, the ICC has been highly controversial more or less from the beginning. One of the key battlegrounds in this longstanding dispute over the Court’s legitimacy has been the issue of deterrence. The conjecture that a properly structured and functioning ICC would be able to deter mass atrocities has always figured prominently among the Court’s proponents. For almost as long, however, these claims have been vehemently countered by critics arguing that the notion of deterrence in international criminal justice is as unsubstantiated as it is naïve.

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