Københavns Universitet
Uafhængig af ledelsen


Workshop on Legal Governance of Poverty and Social Exclusion

Øvrige — This workshop explores dynamics between international and national law and poverty and social exclusion.


Date & Time:

Room number: 4A.1.13 Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 S, Denmark.

Hosted by:
iCourts - The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence for International Courts



While more than 95 million of the population in the EU in 2022 were at risk of living in poverty or social exclusion, the legal implications and the potential from regulation concerning combatting material and social deprivation are largely understudied. In this workshop researchers with an expertise in different intersections between law and social exclusion come together to present and discuss their contributions which addresses legal challenges in relation to poverty. The overall concern of the workshop is legal governance of poverty as the actual and potential effects from law on different manifestations of poverty, the capacity and potential of different kinds of regulation in addressing poverty as well as how poverty and social exclusion challenges aspects of the legal system.

The research presentations will approach the intersection between law and poverty from a range of legal areas: poverty and law as addressed from an EU law perspective concerning the capacity of recent legal instruments in addressing poverty, the phenomenon of in-work poverty in the EU and its legal challenges, poverty and inequalities as addressed from an anti-discrimination law perspective, health law and poverty, poverty and the criminal systems in the nordic countries as well as poverty addressed through a human rights perspective in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
