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Foredrag — Join the Coordination for Gender Research for a great early start of the 8th of March. We will have coffee and croissants ready before the 4 speakers will inform us on feminist perspectives on digitalization.
Date & Time:
CSS Øster Farimagsgade 5, Room: 2.0.63
Hosted by:
Koordinationen for Kønsforskning
Join the Coordination for Gender Research for a morning event on the 8th of March.
Professor Gabriele Griffin
Centre for Gender research
Uppsala University
Post docs Nanna Thylstrup and Daniela Agostinho
Department of Arts and Cultural Studies
University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor Anders Kristian Munk
Center for Design, Innovation and Sustainable Transitions
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Maia Kahlke Lorentzen
9.00 – 9.15 Coffee and croissants
9.15 – 9.30 Welcome by Associate Dean Andreas de Neergaard
9.30 – 11.00: Feminist Perspectives: Big Data, Digitalization and Cyberfemnism
Registration (deadline March 5th): koordinationen@soc.ku.dk