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Konference — III TRAMEREN’s International Conference on: Arctic Environmental and Climate Change Governance.
Date & Time:
Conference/flex room, ground floor, room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Hosted by:
Beatriz Martinez Romera, TRAMEREN
The Third International TRAMEREN conference seeks to explore environmental governance in the Arctic by examining institutions, actors and interactions in emerging issues in Arctic ocean governance, such as conservation of marine living resources, the use of the marine Arctic for extractive industries, climate change impacts, and maritime transport issues.
Building on the 2016 I TRAMEREN Conference on Maritime Transport and Climate Change and the 2018 II International TRAMEREN Conference on Frontiers in Ocean Environmental Governance, the III TRAMEREN Conference aims to explore pressing environmental and climate-related issues in the Arctic.
Among others, the conference aims to address the following questions:
The conference will include papers presented by invited participants (confirmed speakers include Prof. Michael Oppenheimer, Prof Aldo Chircop, Prof. Suzanne Lalonde, Prof. Meinhard Doelle), as well as authors selected in the course of this call for papers.