Københavns Universitet
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DIKU Bits: Distributing Loads in a Dynamic System

Foredrag — On 5 May 2020, Mikkel Thorup, professor in the Algorithms and Complexity Section at DIKU, will give a talk titled "Distributing loads in a dynamic system".


Date & Time:

Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/65060401779

Hosted by:
Datalogisk Institut



Mikkel Thorup, professor in the Algorithms and Complexity Section at DIKU.


I will talk about a simple algorithm that has dramatically reduced the resource consumption for Vimeo and Google Cloud.

We consider the problem of assigning clients to servers in such a way that a client can quickly find the server it belongs to. We also want good load distribution in the sense that each server has roughly the same amount of clients. The system has to be dynamic in the sense that both servers and clients can be come and go. We will discuss a simple solution to this generic problem.

Our solution got picked up by companies such Vimeo and Google Cloud. Vimeo reported that its bandwidth consumption went down be a factor 8. Such server farms emit more CO2 than the worlds air traffic, this is a nice example of how basic algorithmic research can end up having very large impact.

Zooming in on Mikkel Thorup

Hvilke kurser underviser du på (BSc og MSc)?
Jeg underviser på RAD (Randomiserede Algoritmer og Dataanalyse

Hvilken teknologi/forskning/projekter/startups er du spændt på at se udviklingen af?
Jeg arbejder indenfor algoritmik, og har gæsteforsket for både Google og Microsoft. Den startup jeg er mest nysgerrig omking er Supwiz fordi det er lavet af algoritmefolk fra min gruppe.

Hvad er din yndlingssketch fra DIKUrevyen?
Har aldrig haft meget at gøre med DIKUrevyen. Lavede min egen kandidatgrad på DTU, men skrev specialt ved Oxford University.
