Nørregade 10
1165 København K
Tlf: 21 17 95 65 (man-fre kl. 9-15)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
Seminar — Medical tourism as a trade and market is growing at record speed worldwide and that presents challenges for patients and healthcare systems in sending and receiving countries. This debate will provide an introduction to and discussion of medical tourism as an emerging market and area that requires special attention by politicians, healthcare professionals and interdisciplinary research.
Date & Time:
Holst Auditorium, Mærsk Tower, Panum, Blegdamsvej 3B, Copenhagen
Hosted by:
School of Global Health (SGH) and Danish Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health (MESU), University of Copenhagen
Medical tourism as a trade and market is growing at record speed worldwide and that presents challenges for patients and healthcare systems in sending and receiving countries.
This debate will provide an introduction to and discussion of medical tourism as an emerging market and area that requires special attention by politicians, healthcare professionals and interdisciplinary research.
We will take a point of departure in the Danish context, where we define medial tourism as a particular form of patient mobility, where patients travel across borders to receive treatments ranging from fertility, cosmetic, dental, transplantation and elective surgeries. Treatments are of a non-acute and ‘voluntary’ nature.
The seminar takes place on 26 October and is free of charge, but sign-up is required by 23 October 2017 the latest (click the orange button to the right to sign-up).
The program:
14.00-14.05: Welcome by Flemming Konradsen (Professor and Director of SGH, University of Copenhagen).
14.05-14.15: Introduction to Medical Tourism by Signe Smith Jervelund (Associate Professor and Leader of MESU, University of Copenhagen).
14.15-14.30: This is why I am critical towards medical tourism by Andreas Rudkjøbing (Chairman of the Danish Medical Association)
14.30-14.45: Why do migrants leave a perfect healthcare system? by Signe Smith Jervelund and Nathan Bertelsen (MD and Associate Professor at Koc University and New York University)
14.45-15.00: A Market Approach to Medical Tourism: Are we ready for New Paradigms for the Provision of Healthcare Services by Mia Holstein (Director of Welfare Policy at CEPOS & member of the Danish Ethical Council)
15.00-15.15: The legal and ethical framework for medical tourism in Denmark by Ole Hartling (MD, Senior Surgeon, former chairman of the Danish Ethical Council)
15.15-15.45: Panel discussion facilitated by Flemming Konradsen
15.45-15.55: Sum-up by Flemming Konradsen
15.55-16.30: Networking and mingling w/snacks and beverages